And man do we need it. With a growing guild and five tabs, the Guild Bank Alt is constantly pulling items for the bank, disenchanting, and restocking. Extra gold gets rolled into the guild ... as we look ahead to a 6th tab!

Previous to TBC, 50 Stat Points = 50 Stamina or 50 Strength. So an item that was "worth" 50 stat points would have 50 points of a stat. Combining stats would increase the number, though, so that an item worth 50 stat points would have 34 Stamina plus 34 Strength. This way, the value of the item isn't reduced too much by spreading the stats around. Combining three stats reduced each stat even more to 26 points a piece.I like to think it's a game of skill, a game of quickness and agility, maybe even a game of talent. But it's really a game of talent points, of calculations, and of numbers. Push the button, get some numbers. The other day, for instance, I got into a button-pushing battle with a lvl 31 ally, and no matter what that poor slop did, he couldn't get my health down. Too many numbers on my side. He pushed his buttons, I stood there, and nothing happened.
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You may not use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the name restrictions listed above, nor can you have a "first" and "last" name that, when combined, violate the above name restrictions."