Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bringing the Crowd to Orgrimmar

Our guild, Sinister Legion, has always been obsessed with the fishing-pole-as-weapon. From the first time Skrah killed a low level ally with his pole, to the constant jokes about using a pole to beat down that annoying person who keeps attacking you with no hope of actually doing any damage . . . our guild has (slowly and surely) become obsessed.

So, what's a guild leader to do? How about sponsoring a Naked Fishing Pole Fight Tournament . . . out front of Orgrimmar? I offered 20 gold in prize money--and, of course, eternal fame--to contestants. Skrah will upload some screen shots later (I hope).

The best part was not the actual beatings, which were freaking hi-larious, but the audience that gathered to watch. We even had a few people join after Skrah put this message on the general:

"Want to join the guild sponsoring the naked fishing pole fight out front of Orgrimmar? Pst me!"

Oh they did--in droves.

But I must admit, we were finally hounded out by a "real" tourney of sorts: The Fighting Irish sponsored a 40-49 dual tourney that was, shall we say, a bit more official--but certainly less humorous.

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