Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beggars will be Takers

There are, as far as I can tell, two classes of leaches in the game: the Beggar and the Taker.

Beggar; n. a player who asks for mats, equipment, enchants, etc with no intention of ever helping him/herself. Habitat: chat lines and cities. They request materials because they are simply too damn lazy to help themselves. They are, necessarily, too cheap to tip, and would never, ever lift a finger to quest and or gather things for themselves. Indeed, they fear no reprisal, nor do they feel any shame about their activities. Associated terms: Taker.

Taker; n. a player who helps him/herself to whatever s/he wants from the guild bank without ever donating anything. Habitat: the high ranks of a guild. These players will gladly rob you blind; feel no compunction to be fair, reasonable, or equitable; and do not, despite their use of the guild bank, understand guilds to be about communal sharing, helping, and teamwork. Associated terms: Beggar.

Both anger me deeply, and, in my opinion, ruin what little belief I have left in the potential for the longevity of any guild. My only hope is that our guild leader will notice the particular player who is always mooching off the kindness and hard work of everyone else. But, as you probably surmised by now, my hope is small and extinguishable.

Beggars are usually Takers and someone needs to teach them the Art of the Request . . . or at least give them a good old fashioned bare-bottom spanking in the center of Orgrimmar.

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