Friday, August 15, 2008

Guide to Life (and Death) in Tarren Mill

It seams like every WOWish blog is pretty much a guide: a guide to leveling, a guide to pimping out your character, or a guide to mods and macros. So we thought WOW Lovahs would get in on the action with a little Guide to Life (and Death) in Tarren Mill. Mainly death.'

Skrah and Feifer are not alone in having died about a million times at Tarren Mill. We get off the bat and die. We try to quest and die. We go wade in the river ... and die. And if there's ever a peaceful moment at Tarren Mill, we usually end up down at Southside provoking someone into killing us. Though I can say that neither us have ever had our brains eaten out at Tarren Mill. That's nice

So these are the best ways, in our experience, to die at Tarren Mill. Follow this guide and you can die at Tarren Mill too!
  • Do nothing, death will find you.
  • Try the Yeti Cave. Half way through killing Yeti, some ?? will show up and take care of you.
  • Join up with a bunch of other bastards who've died a lot and try to take Southside. It won't work: you'll all die.
  • Try to quest.
  • Try not to quest.
  • Kill a lowbie. Now, Skrah would like to note that this is his favorite way to die at Tarren Mill. Come across a lowbie, nuke 'em, and then just wait about 20 seconds for one or two ??s to show up and kill ya. Very fun.

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