This vid tutorial pretty much says it all, covering how to multi-box very thoroughly. Very thoroughly.
And here's a screenshot of the multiboxer Skrah saw out there doing it. It's a rough image, but you get the picture. I had a short convo w/ him, and he said that this was his first time "doing hunters." Ohhhhkay.

Commentary: Okay, at first I thought multi-boxing was either a scam or cheap, but having seen a few tutorials, I kinda think it's awesome. The cloning aspect (it seems multi-boxers prefer look-alikes to throw off enemies in PVP) is very weird, and in that one player can be five is a variation in the game. A variation? I simply love any little variation in a world that can be so predictable. Now I want a multi-boxer in our guild!
Yah I ran into a 5-multi boxer Shaman in Alterac Valley once... he made a big mess on the ground with all the totems ;)
I have one guildmate who dual-boxed a Pally and Priest all the way to 70, but he doesn't have it all automated like the multi-boxers generally do, he had to activate and click on both ;)
My player blog
PS: I finally put you on my blog roll!
Cool! Yeah, I'll have to look around for more multi-boxers. It's super interesting as a way to play.
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