Friday, September 19, 2008

On Hitting 60

Skrah bobbed up to 60 yesterday, and if you're reading this in a few months, that will mean a lot less ... 60 will be the new 50 when the King Package pops the cap up to 80. But for now, 60 still matters.

60 is all about speed: a new mount that can zip instead of run, and with a little help from Feifer, Skrah bought one. In a game where speed is glorified, 60 is supposed to be a big moment. A moment when, suddenly, you can get away from just about anything and catch that fleeing Ally just ... in ... time. And it's true, the new mount is fun for these reasons.

But playing my lower alt lately, a lvl 14 mage, I'm reminded of how well running works. So as I move Skrah up the ranks, I want to remember the fun in these simple things in the game:
  • jumping off tall stuff
  • exploring
  • swimming in the sea under the moonlight
  • kiting
  • befriending Allies
  • a simple dance party
  • goofy gear and outfits
  • those 12 lbs. catfish


And on a completely different topic, here is a pic of Feifer in her groovy new armor set:

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