Saturday, September 20, 2008

On Becoming a Guild Leader

I've been playing WoW for maybe 6 months now and, as I've mentioned, Skrah and I have been in and out of a bunch of guilds. This last one we've settled into "Sinister Legion" is a relatively new guild--I even went to the first guild meeting back over the summer. We like the folks, we like the bank, we like the leaders.

But over the past month, things started to change: leadership shifted, a couple of times, really, and we were somewhat out of the loop until the last leader stepped up and we got to know him/her better. So Skrah and I started planning activities and checking in with the leader regarding the latest scheme. Well, after a few events, and a few emails, I received a doozy, something to the tune of "Feifer, this guild needs a new leader. Would you be up for it?"

And so I contemplated, and pondered, and decided, ultimately that this was what I--and Skrah--wanted: to lead our guild that we love and to do it well. So I accepted, power was shifted one more time; and I'm happy to say the last leader is staying on-board in the guild!

I changed a few things, promoted a few people who were overdue, and decided on a date for the next guild meeting. TONIGHT! Since we're a fun-loving, and not a real raiding guild (our guildies are still lvling actively and we're short on our number of 70s), Skrah and I decided that the meeting should be fun more so than formal. So no stadiums, no posturing, just some good discussion and a few snowballs and fireworks.

This is gonna be a challenge, for sure. This whole leadership position. But I have good officers, and what's more, good people in the guild. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Free to Be Me(g) said...

I'm did things go? :)