Having gone with arms again for Skrah (lvl 63 warrior), I'm pretty happy with the various buttons that resulted. In testing them out, I even nixed a couple of Allies (both a bit lower than me, but whatev) without much trouble. Then nixed them again just to be sure.
On the topic of nixing, it should not go without saying that the other day, Monday, I got stuck in a crack. Reapmeister, an outstanding member of our guild, put together a little raid party, and when this party disbanded, I found myself atop a high tower covered with a maze of ramparts. I stood. I joked around. I danced. And then an ally on a flying mount landed right on top of me and started kicking my butt. With about 10 health left, I jumped ... and that's when I got stuck in the crack.
Here are a couple of screen captures of the carnage. My body ended up wedged in the crack about 500 ft in the air, making it unrecoverable from above or below.

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