Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Guild Banker

Does your guild have a guild banker? While I used to use my regular bank/auction alt to maintain the guild bank, with the growth of our guild, I recently split up those duties and created a dedicated Guild Bank Alt. This is awesome. Whereas I used to have to keep track of what auctions I was selling and what auctions were for the guild, as well as which stacks of materials went where, now the Guild Bank Alt's action is entirely dedicated to the guild.

And man do we need it. With a growing guild and five tabs, the Guild Bank Alt is constantly pulling items for the bank, disenchanting, and restocking. Extra gold gets rolled into the guild ... as we look ahead to a 6th tab!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We haven't posted here in a while, which is pretty normal as far as blogs go. You know: you start a blog, get all excited about it, and then, after a few weeks or months, either lose interest in it or forget all about it.

We have, however, been playing the game quite a bit ... and the guild is going strong.

In fact, we now have a MegaGuild. What was a four-person operation is now a guild with five bank tabs, 200+ toons, and an average of 12-20 players online at any time. Amazing.

With this growth has come some growing pains: the guild chat has gotten a bit nasty at times, and two players have been kicked out of the guild for disrespecting their fellow guildies. A few high-level players left the guild ... only to return. While they were gone it just wasn't the same without them, but now that they're back, things are all the better.

And yesterday, to try to maintain some structure in this new MegaGuild, Feifer wrote up some bylaws and posted them to our website. They're pretty simple and try to articulate what is probably our main goal with the guild: to maintain a culture of fun, kindness, and helpfulness. That doesn't take much, but as the guild grows it's becoming increasingly clear that the guild culture could shift in undesirable ways as well.


In other news, Skrah popped 70 a few weeks ago. Though 70 is the new 60 now that 80 is on the scene, it was kinda fun. With that ding came a new focus on leveling up engineering, and a groovy pair of mote-seeing-glasses were involved. Plus a copter.